Looking for a place where you can volunteer in your community as part of your everyday job, help your neighbor’s dreams come true and continually advance in a steady career path? Math whizzes, computer geniuses, marketing gurus and community champions unite! Your local bank needs you. But don’t take our word for it. We took to the streets to interview seven incredibly talented bankers in Pennsylvania to get their perspectives and learn about careers in banking. Click on the video on the right to see what they said.
About the Video
Retaining talent and recruiting the next generation of bankers, especially the Millennial generation, is critical to our industry’s sustainability and future leadership. In 2016, we embarked on a video project aimed at taking on this challenge and telling the real stories of Pennsylvania’s young bankers and their careers. We wanted real, honest and unscripted answers, and we got them. These seven young professionals not only wowed us, but they affirmed what we already knew and hoped would shine through: our future is bright, it’s energetic, it’s enthusiastic, and it’s rooted in the core principles of banking that will always remain, generation after generation -- Customer Service, Community Engagement and Dedication to the Industry.
Wide Range of Opportunities
Besides more traditional positions in retail banking, lending and compliance, banks of all sizes need talented staff to handle jobs ranging from digital banking and cybersecurity, to HR, communications and more. Learn more about the various careers in banking via the
American Bankers Association.