Note:   Credit card payment is required to complete the online registration process for charged events.
To pay by check, you must fill out the online registration form, send it to,
and mail your check to Pennsylvania Bankers Association, 3897 N. Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17110.

2023 DEI Virtual Roundtable Session

2023 DEI Virtual Roundtable Session
PA Bankers is hosting our next DEI Virtual Roundtable Session to provide participants with updates on several PA Bankers DEI initiatives and offer an opportunity for open discussion with the DEI Advisory Group members on current DEI topics. This event is open to financial institution members only.

9/28/2023 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Registration not available.

Problems or Questions?   Call Jill Ametrano at 717-255-6927 or

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