Peer Networks

Our Networks are peer-based, interactive groups within the association. The association currently has four networks: Women in Banking Network, Emerging Leaders Network, Retired Bankers Program and Past Chairs Forum.

Women in Banking Network

The Women in Banking Network is a regional and statewide forum for women to gather, grow their careers, expand their minds and positively impact their communities.

Each year, the Women in Banking Network and Committee present the Women in Banking Recognition of Excellence Program, which acknowledges rising stars and leaders throughout our industry that continually "go the extra mile" to promote and inspire women to reach their full potential within the banking industry, their financial institutions and the community. The winners of these awards are announced at the annual Women in Banking Conference.

Young Professionals Network (Formerly Emerging Leaders Network)

Introducing the PA Bankers Young Professionals Network, a program dedicated to building future leaders of our industry

The PA Bankers Young Professionals Network aims to provide an inclusive platform for engagement and growth with the primary focuses of:

Professional development, educational and mentoring opportunities;
Inspiring, promoting and increasing awareness of careers within the banking industry, emphasizing diversity and advocacy;
Recognition of young professionals’ contribution to the industry; and
Community engagement and outreach.

Awards Program

The Future Under 40 and Young Professionals Champion Awards, honoring future and senior leaders in the banking industry, will allow for a broader array of young professionals to be recognized for their contributions to the banking industry. Honorees will be announced at the annual Young Professionals Conference (formerly Emerging Leaders Conference).

Apply Today!

The PA Bankers Association offers a complimentary individual membership to the Young Professionals Network. This membership provides bankers an opportunity to engage in the network and participate in regional networking, mentorship, training and development. The Young Professionals Committee will design statewide initiatives for network members each year.

If you are interested in joining the Young Professionals Network, please click here to fill out the Young Professionals Network Member Application. 


Retired Bankers Program

The Retired Bankers Program offers a unique way for retired bankers to maintain an open door to the industry in which they have built their success and made a difference - a way to receive valuable benefits, keep up with professional and personal contacts, and share their insights and experience with those whose careers are still in the making. The experience and expertise retired bankers bring to the association allow former banking professionals to continue contributing to the profession and providing insight to newer association members.

Click here to learn more about the Retired Bankers Program.

Past Chairs Forum

The Past Chairs Forum is made up of bankers who served on the board as chair. They meet throughout the year to stay engaged in association needs and activities.

Michelle Staton
Chief Operating Officer
(717) 255-6923